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Bookish Gifts I’ve Received that I Actually Love!
Let’s be real: the best gift for any bookworm is more books! And there are some of those on this list, but there are so many...
Dec 2, 2022

Female Gothic Writers
A little snapshot of women writers whose works fall into the Gothic genre.
Nov 7, 2022

Review of Persuasion on Netflix
Everyone is talking about the new Netflix adaptation of Jane Austen's novel Persuasion. Is it worth watching? Read this post.
Jul 17, 2022

Why Austenites are Taking Issue with the New Adaptation of Persuasion while Bridgerton Gets a Pass
Why Austenites are Taking Issue with the New Adaptation of Persuasion while Bridgerton Gets a Pass
Jun 20, 2022

What is Free Indirect Discourse in Literature?
What do the works of Mary Wollstonecraft, Jane Austen, and Virginia Woolf all have in common? Ok, ok, well *other* than being kickass...
Jun 16, 2022

10 Facts About Jane Austen’s ‘Emma’
1. Aware of her growing popularity, Austen had anxiety over how Emma would be received by the reading public, writing: “My great anxiety...
Aug 17, 2021

A Jane Austen-inspired Cocktail Recipe from Toronto’s Famous Last Words Bar
I am so thrilled to bring you a cocktail from the amazing literary-themed bar in Toronto, Ontario, Famous Last Words (FLW)! Over the past...
May 13, 2021

Could she have meant that?! Sexual Innuendos in Jane Austen’s ‘Emma’
Uncover the 'sexy' side of Jane Austen's Emma with a deep dive into the novel's sexual innuendos--including Kitty, a fair, but frozen maid.
May 10, 2021

Filling the Literary Gaps: English Female Writers 1750 - 1915
Not Just Jane: Rediscovering Seven Amazing Women Writers Who Transformed British Literature (2016) by Shelley DeWees is a delightful...
Mar 8, 2021

Holiday Giving 2020: A Gift Guide for Avid Readers (that doesn't include another tote bag!)
Love bookish gifts, but don’t need another blanket, mug, or candle? Prefer people didn't add to your presonalized TBR pile? I’ve got you...
Nov 13, 2020

Jane Austen’s “Spicy Allusions”
Jane Austen wrote more than romance! A review of Austen's Unbecoming Conjunctions by Heyday-Stevenson looks at what Austen was really saying
Sep 14, 2020

Jane Austen: Romance Authoress or Social Radical?
Jane Austen is so much more than a romance writer. In The secret Radical, Helena Kelly dives into how Austen wrote about politics and more.
Sep 7, 2020
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