Do You Care About Literary Awards?
Hex the Patriarchy: The Witch as a Feminist Symbol
Why Are We Misremembering Classic Novels?
Visiting the Sigmund Freud Museum in Vienna
Measuring the Representation of Women in Fiction
Is the Netflix Adaptation of Lady Chatterley’s Lover Worth Watching?
Why Austenites are Taking Issue with the New Adaptation of Persuasion while Bridgerton Gets a Pass
Netflix The Weekend Away Review
Book-to-TV Adaptation: Netflix Anatomy of a Scandal Review
Freud and the Uncanny: That Creepy Feeling You Get with a Spooky Book
Getting Serious About Humour!
A Historic Glimpse of the French Literary Salons
Book Diversity in Canadian Literature
Capturing the Gothic Life of Shirley Jackson on Film
Charlotte Brontë's Rejected Novel 'The Professor'
School Textbooks Reflect our Societal Values
Filling the Literary Gaps: English Female Writers 1750 - 1915
Reviewing One of the First English Novels
What Makes a Literary Classic?
Reader-Response Theory: Putting the "You" Back into Literary Criticism!